
This article outlines the processes involved in fulfilment of a customer order in communications service provider environment. The objective is to highlight the series of processes and pain points to be addressed in implementation of Order Management (OM) & Provisioning system. These details will help stakeholders to get clear understanding of sub-processes and the associated pain points. In addition, it also provides the importance of process identification and documentation with sufficient details to reap the benefit of OSS implementations.

Table of Contents

  • OM/Provisioning view in eTOM framework

  • OM/Provisioning role in eTOM Operation Process

  • Fulfilment Processes

  • Illustrated Customer Order Fulfilment Flow

  • Order Entry & Data Validation

  • Order Decomposition

  • Design decomposed circuit/service

  • Internal & External plant work order commencement

  • Inventory verification, procurement & commissioning

  • Activate service/circuit

  • Integrate & Test

  • End-to-End Testing

  • Support customer test

  • Customer acceptance

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