
Robotic Process Automation(RPA) has evolved beyond the conventional rule based processes as the human does on an application. Organizations are currently looking away from early cost benefits and focusing more towards optimizing processes. The software robots have developed to perform human actions and automate repetitive tasks across multiple business applications.
The research has shown that Process Automation (RPA) can drive 25-50% cost reduction by automating data centric, repetitive tasks by improving the accuracy and turnaround time of process execution. In addition, software bots can be deployed 24/7 reducing latency and driving higher levels of productivity.
With the shared services and business process outsourcing industry maturing, clients are demanding price cuts, increased operational efficiency and higher transactional volumes. Service providers in turn are resorting to price wars by forgoing their own margins. These conflicting requirements of increased efficiency and reduced costs are together fostering the shift towards robotic process automation.

Intelligent Automation – Key factors

Robotic Process Automation

Our Offering

As an RPA Service Provider, we partner with organizations to help them achieve their objectives from automation initiatives. We provide the end to end services for automating the Business Process as well as the IT operations. We offer advance capabilities like RPA, Chatbot, Machine Learning and rapid API integrations.
We provide services throughout the RPA journey, from defining the strategy to continuous improvement and innovation, implementation, automation, integration and support.

BRT’s Robotic Process Automation(RPA) Service is designed to help organizations integrate RPA with technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and knowledge based systems to drive enterprise-wide transformation. Our end to end RPA services enable our clients to understand current automation levels and discover opportunities for reducing operational cost.

BRT RPA Expertise

  • Low Technical barrier
  • Accuracy
  • Reliability
  • Non invasive Technology
  • RPA for various business segments such as Insurance , Banking and Telecom
  • 40+  professionals spread across the globe , working on RPA initiatives as part of the DPA or DPT initiatives


RPA Case Study – TELECOM

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Through Creativity, Integrity & Innovation